There are several market players active on the energy market in Flanders and Belgium. Energy follows a whole chain before being delivered to your home or company.
The energy suppliers ensure that you receive energy and sell electricity and/or natural gas and bill your energy use.
The distribution grid operators manage, develop and maintain the electricity and/or natural gas distribution network for a specific territory and transmit, at the supplier's request, the energy to the end users. They provide new connections to the network and are responsible for reading your electricity and/or natural gas meter.
Electricity from renewable resources is given a focus from 2 perspectives: on the one hand production support and on the other hand consumer information. Each perspective is fed by a reliable system to meet its purpose.
We monitor the energy market in Flanders and Belgium and publish figures and statistics on a regular basis (mostly monthly and annualy).
VREG is the Energy Regulator in Flanders