In order to be able to supply electricity and/or natural gas to end users on the distribution grid in Flanders, a supply licence is required.
No supply license is needed for the supply of green power through a direct line, as well as the supply of electricity generated by a qualitative combined heat and power facility through a direct line. However, the construction of a new direct line is subject to a license/admission granted by VREG, in case this line outreaches the site’s premises. An application form (dutch) is available on our website.
VREG has listed and commented the relevant regulation with respect to the construction and operation of a direct line (MEDE-2020-01).
Supply licences for Flanders are exclusively issued by VREG.
Your supply licence request needs to be addressed to:
Vlaamse Regulator van de Elektriciteits- en Gasmarkt
Koning Albert II-laan 7
B- 1210 Brussels
and also be transfered by e-mail.
The request for a supply licence for electricity or natural gas must respectively meet the conditions included in the following:
First and foremost the completeness of your application will be checked.
In case the application is incomplete, you will be informed by registered letter within one month of receipt of the request. This letter will state which information is missing and the period awarded to complete your request. If the application is not completed within the allotted time, it will expire and will no longer be processed.
If the application is complete, you will receive a written acknowledgement and your request will be assessed. We will check whether you meet the conditions set out in the aforementioned Flemish Government decrees. If you do not meet these conditions, we will reject the application. We can always ask for additional information before making our decision.
If the application is complete, we have to take a decision within 2 months.
If you are awarded a supply licence, you will be personally informed by registered letter. You will receive a copy of the license. The decision to award a supply licence will also be published in the Belgian Gazette and on our website.
If the supply licence is refused, you will be personally informed by registered letter. This letter will detail why the conditions have not been met and the period within which you can still meet said conditions, on penalty of expiry of the request.
The supply licence is effective from the date indicated in the decision to award the supply licence. Normally this is the day when the decision is taken.
The supply licence is valid for an indefinite period. If we, however, consider that you no longer comply with the conditions to maintain a supply licence, this license can be suspended. We can only do so after having informed you of our intention to suspend the supply licence and having given you the opportunity to comply with the conditions. The decision to suspend the supply licence will be published in the Belgian Gazette.
Yes, you can initiate an appeal to the Council of State (Raad van State).